The consular section of the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Ottawa provides various services to citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, citizens with dual citizenship and citizens of other countries. Certain consular services can be provided by mail, but for some it is necessary to come to the consular section of the Embassy in person.
The consular services we provide are listed below. For any questions regarding consular services, kindly contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The working hours of the consular section are 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., every weekday, except on Fridays and public holidays.
We kindly ask you not to visit or call the Embassy for any consular services. The consular section works by appointment only and no services can be offered without a scheduled appointment. To schedule an appointment, write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You can come to the Embassy only after receiving the confirmation of the appointment by email from the Embassy.
When coming to the Embassy for consular services, please bring your confirmation email with the accompanying documentation and use the consular section door. The consular section entrance is at the driveway side of the Embassy’s building.
Certain consular services, such as the issuance of travel documents, are administratively and technically demanding and may require a special electronic connection in real time with the competent agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As we cannot influence those circumstances, sometimes we may not be able to offer you the services requested at the scheduled time, even with the best intentions.
The current fees applicable to specific services are listed in the price list of consular services. All consular fees must be paid exclusively by money order payable to the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the amount specified in the price list for a service, including postage. The Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina does not accept cash.
Thank you for your cooperation.
1. Vize – Visas
1.c Consular services and fees
2. Putne isprave
2.1.a Guidance on applaying for a BiH passport
2.2.a Izdavanje putnog lista BiH
2.2.b Obrazac zahtjeva za izdavanje putnog lista
2.3.a Prijava nestanka putne isprave zbog gubitka, krađe ili uništenja
2.3.b Obrazac prijave nestanka putne isprave
3. Izvodi iz matičnih knjiga
3.1 Dostava izvoda iz matičnih knjiga (rođenih, vjenčanih, umrlih) ili uvjerenja o državljanstvu BiH
4. Prijave - upisi
4.1.a Prijava rođenja djeteta
4.1.b Obrazac prijave rođenja djeteta
4.1.c Obrazac zahtjeva za određivanje JMB - JMB-3
4.2.a Naknadni upis u matičnu knjigu rođenih-MKR
4.2.b Obrazac zahtjeva za naknadni upis u MKR
4.2.c Obrazac zahtjeva za određivanje JMB - JMB-3
4.3.a Prijava zaključenja braka
4.3.b Obrazac prijave zaključenja braka
5. Jedinstveni matični brojevi
5.1.a Određivanje JMB za lica čije je rođenje registrovano u BiH
5.1.b Obrazac zahtjeva za određivanje JMB
5.2.a Evidentiranje JMB u centranoj bazi podataka
5.2.b Obrazac zahtjeva za evidentiranje JMB - JMB-7
6. Ovjere
6.1 Ovjera punomoći-izjave-nasljedničke izjave sa važećim BH pasošem ili ličnom kartom
6.1.a Obrazac punomoći - Authorization Form
6.1.b Obrazac izjave - Declaration Form
6.1.c Obrazac nasljednjičke izjave - Inheritance Declartaion Form
6.2 Ovjera punomoći-izjave-nasljedničke izjave bez važećeg BH pasoša ili lične karte
6.3 Ovjera fotokopije dokumenta
7. Potvrde / uvjerenja
7.1 Izdavanje potvrde o dužini boravka u inostranstvu radi korištenja carinske povlastice
7.2.a Izdavanje potvrde o životu radi nastavka dobivanja penzije
7.2.b Obrazac potvrde o životu radi nastavka dobivanja penzije
8. Izdavanje sprovodnice za transport umrle osobe u BiH
8.1.a Consignment Note Requirements-Izdavanje sprovodnice
8.1.b Application Form For The Consignment Note - Formular zahtjeva za izdavanje sprovodnice
8.1.c Request Form For Burial In Federation Of B&H - Zahtjev za sahranu u Federaciji BiH
8.1.d Request Form For Burial In Republic Of Srpska B&H - Zahtjev za sahranu u Republici Srpskoj BiH
8.1.e Request Form For Burial In Brcko District B&H - Zahtjev za sahranu u Brčko distriktu BiH
9. Odricanje državljanstva BiH